
Michael Mahonen

To fund development of independent film scripts and productions and production of YouTube content.

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The development phase for independent film scripts is almost always unpaid and if paid, usually far below a living wage. After the significant work involved in the completion of a film script, there is then the development of the film being produced which is also usually unpaid work.

Writer & Director Michael Mahonen who has also had a significant career as an actor is completing several film scripts in various drafts. All are stories with positive messages. One is a true life story about a community coming together to save a food bank which is currently in the process of the second draft; this is intended to be shot with limited budget in the summer of 2019. Another is a story of loss and ultimately forgiveness which is currently in completed first draft. Another is an epic story about surviving human rights abuses while responding peacefully and is currently a completed rough draft.

For more info on prior independent film work of Michael's, including an in-depth interview, please see the Facebook page for the movie called Sandstorm that Michael wrote, directed and co-produced:

Michael will also be creating content for YouTube which will address a range of substantial subjects such as human rights, concerns about and threats posed by the communist regime in China, and education about communism and socialism, all of which are areas of Michael's expertise.

The YouTube content will also include discussion and ideas to alleviate issues of public safety and concern including addiction to electronic devices, social media and the internet, all of which Michael has studied and researched.

Content will also include rudimentary as well as advanced discussion of acting, writing and directing as well as discussion of the deeper significance of art and creativity, all areas where Michael has significant experience and expertise.

Overall this requires a very large amount of work. The ability to maintain integrity and freedom while manifesting these creations and holding fast to the principles of creating positive, benevolent, enriching content and art will be made possible by the support of donations from those who are in search of and value such creations. Thank you, kindly.

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Michael_Mahonen sertai 6 tahun lalu.

Michael_Mahonen tidak berkongsi maklumat penerimaan mereka melalui Liberapay.