

trying to survive capitalism.

trwnh menerima USD5.66 setiap minggu daripada 4 pelanggan. Matlamat: USD500.00
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  • i've volunteered time and some code to open-source projects like OBS, mastodon, pixelfed, and plume, whenever possible. i'd like to do more of that, and maybe build a few things of my own for the digital commons and libre culture

  • notably, i reorganized and rewrote the mastodon docs

  • i also contribute design and management time as a team member of pixelfed

  • i am currently doing research and theoretical development for a unified communications project based on open standards like smtp, xmpp, activitypub, rss/atom, irc, and so on. i am active on and in the fediverse enhancement proposal (FEP) process.

Akaun Terpaut

trwnh memiliki akaun berikut di platform lain:


mastomods Bintang 111 Dikemaskini 2 bulan lalu

CSS tweaks and custom themes for Mastodon.

namecheap Bintang 11 Dikemaskini 3 bulan lalu

certbot manual auth hook for DNS-01 with namecheap

hugo-theme-paradox Bintang 1 Dikemaskini 1 tahun lalu

A Hugo theme for documentation sites

PhotoBucketGrabber Bintang 0 Dikemaskini 2 tahun lalu

Download all your photos from PhotoBucket using this Python script.

plumeLogos Bintang 1 Dikemaskini 3 tahun lalu

Logos designed for Plume, a federated blogging platform similar to Medium.

mastodocs (cabangkan) Bintang 2 Dikemaskini 1 bulan lalu

Full documentation repository for Mastodon

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trwnh sertai 6 tahun lalu.

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Jumlah Penderma Setiap Minggu

Halaman ini mengandungi tulisan terjemahan mesin yang masih belum disemak dan mungkin kurang tepat. Anda boleh menyumbang terjemahan anda.