

I am a certifed nutritionist using YouTube as a platform for spreading truth about health.

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As a nutritionist and spiritual director, I have been teaching classes and leading retreats for years. I have been encouraged by my clients and friends to take my knowledge to a bigger audience and I would like to do so in a way that is not gimmicky or sales-y since most of the trends and misinformation that I am seeking to correct are done so in a marketing context. I will always see local clients in my small rural setting as a means of part time income, but I would like to keep my YouTube show free of promotional marketing. I will certainly endorse brands and products that I already use, but I will not endorse any brands or products on Amazon's platform or benefit from their current monopoly of the market in the US as an "affiliate" as many YouTubers do. My ethical standards are high, and I hope that viewers will appreciate this and support me as a public educator who seeks to share information with those who are able to support me as well as with those who cannot afford to.

Thank you so much for taking time to read this and for your consideration.

Kathleen Moss, at Seeking Deeper


SeekingDeeper sertai 4 tahun lalu.

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