
Grey Himmel

Local software dev with too many bots

Matlamat greysdawn ialah untuk menerima USD500.00 setiap minggu.
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I'm a software dev that makes all kinds of things, but I'm especially known for the Discord bots that I've made- specifically bots like Sheep, Form Fox, and Ticket Golem. All of these bots are publicly available and open source, and I'm here to try to help keep them free for the people who need them!

Akaun Terpaut

greysdawn memiliki akaun berikut di platform lain:


greysdawn sertai 2 bulan lalu.

Pendapatan Setiap Minggu (dalam Dolar AS)

Jumlah Penderma Setiap Minggu

Halaman ini mengandungi tulisan terjemahan mesin yang masih belum disemak dan mungkin kurang tepat. Anda boleh menyumbang terjemahan anda.