
Am I Mental?

Help fund the Am I Mental live podcast

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Hosting a podcast isn’t free. Up until recently the costs came 100% out of my pocket. Thanks to some listeners donations I have been able to upgrade to longer episodes and more storage for the future of this podcast. There are plans for further upgrades to the podcast and platform but require more money. Things like a permanent web presence with a discussion board and a listing of resources. The goal is to turn this podcast into a community so that there can be more interaction outside of a weekly podcast. But to do this it requires funding, more than I can justify out of pocket.


mentallivecast sertai 4 tahun lalu.

Pendapatan Setiap Minggu (dalam Dolar AS)

Jumlah Penderma Setiap Minggu

Halaman ini mengandungi tulisan terjemahan mesin yang masih belum disemak dan mungkin kurang tepat. Anda boleh menyumbang terjemahan anda.