
Michael Sisk

Designer and developer with a passion for the web, new media, and bringing creative ideas to life.

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Hi, I'm Mike!

If you’re reading this you may be familiar with Webcomic, a WordPress plugin I created that helps people publish… uh, webcomics. Since 2008 I've spent a lot of my free time helping others pursue their creative dreams, providing ongoing support and continuing to develop Webcomic. Creating and continuing to support projects like Webcomic is a challenge, though.

When I started Webcomic I was an unemployed college graduate; I'm now a doubly-employed graduate student with increasingly limited free time. In spite of the challenge I'd like to do more – more with Webcomic, and more with other projects. My own creative dream is to work on independent projects and help fellow creators full-time.

If you like what I create, please support my ongoing independent projects. With your support, I know I can make my own dream a reality.

Akaun Terpaut

mgsisk memiliki akaun berikut di platform lain:


eslint-config Bintang 0 Dikemaskini 3 bulan lalu

Opinionated ESLint configurations for JavaScript development.

remark-lint-config Bintang 0 Dikemaskini 4 bulan lalu

Opinionated remark-lint configuration for writing Markdown.

stylelint-config Bintang 0 Dikemaskini 1 tahun lalu

Opinionated stylelint configurations for CSS development.

postcss-config Bintang 0 Dikemaskini 1 tahun lalu

Opinionated preset configuration for PostCSS.

postcss-modular-rhythm Bintang 3 Dikemaskini 1 tahun lalu

PostCSS plugin that adds modular scale and vertical rhythm units to CSS.


mgsisk sertai 6 tahun lalu.

Pendapatan Setiap Minggu (dalam Dolar AS)

Jumlah Penderma Setiap Minggu

Halaman ini mengandungi tulisan terjemahan mesin yang masih belum disemak dan mungkin kurang tepat. Anda boleh menyumbang terjemahan anda.