

A Teenage Programmer

omairqazi mempunyai 0 pelanggan.


I am a Programmer/Coder and am only 13 years. I am also contributing to Ubuntu through GCI(Google Code In). I have Python experience as I completed the course from Coursera (Free trial). I could not learn more on Coursera as I am only 13 and don't have much money. I Coder needs money for other purposes also. My parents don't give me money for such purposes as they think it is a waste of time. So, I am trying to prove that this is NOT a waste of time through GCI.

Akaun Terpaut

omairqazi memiliki akaun berikut di platform lain:


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Get live news instantly :newspaper:


omairqazi sertai 6 tahun lalu.

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