
Sebastian Krzyszkowiak

Free Software developer working on mobile GNU/Linux

dos menerima €4.38 setiap minggu daripada 4 pelanggan.
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Hi, I'm dos. I do various FLOSS related stuff - from smartphone operating systems to games.

I work on the Librem 5, Phosh and many related projects across the stack, continuing the path I first went on many years ago by getting involved in and SHR projects and hacking on Openmoko phones. Occasionally I'm also a game developer, contributing to projects like Allegro and SDL and making short silly games.

Your donations help me work on making the Librem 5 as usable, stable and well-supported as possible. Indirectly, they also help to keep a household of 4 cats and 2 humans fed and healthy.

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dos sertai 6 tahun lalu.

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