Liberapay membolehkan anda berjanji untuk menderma kepada mereka yang belum sertai laman web ini. Tiada wang dikutip untuk perjanjian ini, derma hanya akan bermula apabila penerimanya sertai kami. Sudah tentu, kami akan memberitahu penderma apabila ia berlaku.
Tolong jangan spam orang dan projek yang disenaraikan di bawah dengan mesej mengajak mereka sertai Liberapay atau bertanyakan sebab mereka belum sertai.
A free and open-source operating system for various devices, based on the Android mobile platform. …
- Perjanjian
- 82
- Jumlah
- €31.32
setiap minggu

A nonprofit Certificate Authority providing TLS certificates to 300M websites. A project from ISRG. …
- Perjanjian
- 59
- Jumlah
- €13.26
setiap minggu

Let's set knowledge free. Got a question?
- Perjanjian
- 50
- Jumlah
- €16.95
setiap minggu

The leading free and open-source email software for easily managing your personal + professional …
- Perjanjian
- 37
- Jumlah
- €11.74
setiap minggu

Internet Archive is a non-profit digital library offering millions of free books, movies & audio …
- Perjanjian
- 33
- Jumlah
- €20.35
setiap minggu

We work to ensure the internet remains a public resource that is open and accessible to all. The …
- Perjanjian
- 30
- Jumlah
- €13.94
setiap minggu

We're the Electronic Frontier Foundation. We defend your civil liberties in a digital world.
- Perjanjian
- 25
- Jumlah
- €7.67
setiap minggu

OpenStreetMap is the free editable map of the whole world. It is made by people like you! @openstree…
- Perjanjian
- 23
- Jumlah
- €6.74
setiap minggu

The only non-profit-backed, people-first browser. Help: @FirefoxSupport
- Perjanjian
- 21
- Jumlah
- €5.56
setiap minggu
Security and privacy focused mobile OS with Android app compatibility. We focus on developing …
- Perjanjian
- 20
- Jumlah
- €20.07
setiap minggu
Repositories that are not in Gitlab. For mirrors of Tor's code you can go to…
- Perjanjian
- 17
- Jumlah
- €5.78
setiap minggu

Fighting for essential rights and freedoms for computer users since 1985. Find us on Mastodon: …
- Perjanjian
- 17
- Jumlah
- €1.66
setiap minggu

0 A.D. is a free, open-source game of ancient warfare, created by Wildfire Games, an international …
- Perjanjian
- 14
- Jumlah
- €3.65
setiap minggu
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